Thursday, 4 May 2017

Get Yourself Motivated & Be Productive : My Tips

Achieving your dreams can be hard and it can be tough to keep yourself motivated along the journey.
I am not one to talk about how easy the ride can be and I myself have experienced myself a serious lack of motivation in my life; both personally and in my career. I understand how hard it can be to get out of a slump when you're down and in this post I have decided to share with you my tips for beating that feeling and making the most of your life.

Set Yourself  Daily/ Weekly/ Monthly Goals 
I am guilty of letting my work get on top of me and I often find myself with a list the length of my arm with jobs that need doing in a short period of time. Yikes!

I am a freelance makeup artist and part time waitress in a coffee shop so juggling two jobs can be tricky whilst also keeping time free to spend with friends and family.
Having a long list of jobs to do can be overwhelming and I find that setting myself daily, weekly or monthly goals can really help. I like to plan out my weeks and dedicate each day to complete a certain task; for example a typical week for me can include writing blog posts, catching up on emails, working in the coffee shop, working on makeup jobs and catching up with friends.

Keep a diary/ Weekly Planner 
Keeping a diary can really help yourself keep on track of what events and work you have coming up. It can be easy to double book yourself especially when you have various commitments.

I recently bought a weekly planner chalk board which I hang on a wall in my room and write on my plans for the week. I like to visually see how my week will plan out and this helps to keep me on track.

Find a Suitable Work Environment 
I don't know about you but I find that it is almost impossible to work from home because I find myself getting easily distracted. Unlike many people I am unable to leave my house and go to 'work' everyday because of the nature of my job; I work from home with my blog and I am always working in different locations on makeup jobs.

I find that taking my laptop into a cafe, buying a large coffee and snack, then setting myself up in a quiet corner to get some work done is when I am my most productive.

Motivational Quotes
I love Pinterest to search for inpiration in my style and makeup and it is also a great place to find great motivational quotes.

Whenever I am feeling down I find that it really helps to read positive and motivational quotes which always helps me to see the positive side in every situation.
Here are a few of my favourite quotes ....

Take Time Out
Even when I am going through a busy period, I will always try and make time to spend time with my friends and family. This is extremely important and taking time always helps me to feel refreshed and ready to return to work.

I love to meet up with friends and catch up over food and drinks. I always have a great time and leave feeling very moitvated to continue working hard because my friends always cheer me up and are all very supportive.

What do you enjoy doing in your time off? I am going to be posting all about my favourite bars and restaurants in my home town, Manchester very soon!

Don't Compare Yourself with Others
Comparing yourself with others is the worst thing that you can ever do. Everyone is on their own journey and we all have our own aims and dreams that are unique to us.

My career path has been very different to many of the people that I grew up with and I often compare my situation to theirs and feel like I have under achieved. Although in fact I have too achieved so much that I am extremely proud of; the situations are just different.

.. Only Compare Yourself with YOU ... 
No matter your age, job or situation. You should only ever compare yourself with yourself.

Use Yourself As Motivation 
I often like to look back at where I was a month, year or even 4 years ago to see how I have changed and progressed. 4 years ago I would never have imagined that I would regullary be getting jobs doing hair and makeup for photoshoots yet here I am.
Looking back and seeing what I have achieved really motivates me to keep going to reach my next goal.

Do you have any tips for getting yourself motivated? Let me know in the comments below!!!